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Carraway Community/Enabling Park Animation and Project Rendering

By September 18, 2018Good News

Click the link to virtually experience the Carraway Community/Enabling Park: Simulated Video

The park brings families together allowing children with and without disabilities a play space to be used together. Children of all abilities can interact with each other and be free to play, exercise, and have fun. Play is a critical part of physical, emotional, mental, and social development for every child. There will be features to increase accessibility for those who use wheelchairs or walkers, and features for those who have limited vision or vision impairment. The park will be universally designed, and host a sensory-rich environment that enables children to develop physically, socially, and emotionally. Public art and the creativity of the local community will be incorporated throughout the project. Restrooms will be designed to accommodate patrons of all ages with all abilities.

The enabling park and Riverwalk parking project will be a wonderful addition to the Riverwalk park and amphitheater for visitors from near and far. The parking expansion will provide a safe place to park while enjoying recreational activities at the Riverwalk Park, Amphitheater, and Enabling Park. The expected opening date is in the Winter of 2018.

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